About Us
Welcome to Chamba Millennium B.Ed College
with 17 years of history
Chamba Millennium B.Ed. College was established in 2007 due to immense importance of teaching profession in distt. Chamba of H.P.,underlying the cultural traditions and Geographical & Language difference within the District Chamba as well as Himachal Pradesh. AsChamba District lags behind in the domain of education in H.P. This college offers a peaceful campus for a perfect learning .
Our History
Chamba Millennium B.Ed. College was established in 2007 due to immense importance of teaching profession in distt. Chamba of H.P. underlying the cultural traditions within the District Chamba as well as Himachal Pradesh.
Our Mission
Our mission is to generate new knowledge.We aim to develop students potential to its fullest to transform them into intellectually capable and imaginatively gifted leaders in their professions.
Our Vision
The College is committed to serve as a valuable resource for industry and society preparing students for innovative and successful careers in a global society.we undertakes projects which offer opportunities.

Sh. Kuvinder Mahajan
Chamba Millennium B.Ed. College has great significance in my life. It is always one of priorities on my agenda. I believe in professionalism and in delegating responsibilities to others...Read more

Er. Akash Mahajan
Administrative Officer
Chamba Millennium B.Ed College has made a tremendous progress. It has taken very many strides in the field of education.This college has a hardworking team of teachers... Read more
Infrastructure & Facilities
The College has its own spacious building with adequate and Modern Lecture rooms, Seminar/Syndicate rooms, Conference Hall, Reading Rooms a Spacious Library with reading rooms, for boys & Girls and Computer Lab, fully equipped with modern facilities.
To cater the academic demand of students and also to faciliate an environment for all round development of the students.

Science Lab
College of Education has well maintained science labs like Physics Lab, Chemistry lab, Biology Lab, The labs are of demonstrative

Computer Lab
The Institute is having a Comuter Laboratory with internet and multimedia facilities. The Laboratory has 20 No. of Computer.

Language Lab
To cater the academic demand of students and also to faciliate an environment for all round development of the students.

Technology Lab
The Institute is having a Comuter Laboratory with internet and multimedia facilities. The Laboratory has 20 No. of Computer.

Psychological Lab
In any scheme of study there should be a close integration of theory with practice. We have a curiosity to know intellectual level.
Important Facts About Us
Year Founded
Certified Teachers
Students Strength
Class Rooms
Photo Gallery